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OF TIME AND STARS Arthur C. Clarke 1972 FOREWORD "'Into the Comet' and 'The Nine Billion Names of God' both involve computers and the troubles they may cause us. While writing this preface, I had occasion to call upon my own HP 9100A computer, Hal Junior, to answer an interesting question. Looking at my records, I find that I have now written just about one hundred short stories. This volume contains eighteen of them: therefore, how many possible 18-story collections will I be able to put together? The answer as I am sure will be instantly obvious to you - is 100 x 99. . . x 84 x 83 divided by 18 x 17 x 16 ... x .2 x 1. This is an impressive number - Hal Junior tells me that it is approximately 20,772,733,124,605,000,000. Page 15 The Nine Billion Names of God
OF TIME AND STARS Arthur C. Clarke 1972 The Nine Billion Names of God Page 15 (number missing) Page16 'We have reason to believe,' continued the lama imperturbably, 'that all such names can be written with not more than nine letters in an alphabet we have devised.'
I = 9 9 = I R = 9 9 = R
OF T9ME AND STA9S A9thu9 C. Cla9ke,1972 Page 15 'Th9s 9s a sl9ghtly unusual 9equest,'sa9d D9 Wagne9, w9th what he hoped was commendable 9est9a9nt.' As fa9 as 9 know, 9t's the f99st t9me anyone's been asked to supply a T9betan monaste9y with an Automat9c Sequence Compute9. 9 don't w9sh to be 9nqu9s9t9ve, but 9 should ha9dly have thought that you9- ah - establ9shment had much use for such a mach9ne.Could you expla9n just what you 9ntend to do w9th 9t?' 'Gladly,' 9epl9ed the lama, 9eadjust9ng h9s s9lk 9obes and ca9efully putting away the sl9de 9ule he had been us9ng fo9 cu99ency conve9s9ons. 'You9 Ma9k V Compute9 can ca99y out any 9out9ne mathemat9cal ope9at9on 9nvolv9ng up to ten d9g9ts. Howeve9, for ou9 work we are 9nte9ested 9n lette9s, not numbe9s. As we w9sh you to mod9fy the output c9rcu9ts,the mach9ne w9ll be p99nt9ng wo9ds not columns of f9gu9es.' '9 dont qu9te unde9stand…' 'Th9s 9s a p9oject on wh9ch we have been work9ng fo9 the last th9ee centu99es - s9nce the lamase9y was founded, 9n fact.9t 9s somewhat al9en to you9 way of thought, so9 hope you w9ll l9sten with an open m9nd wh9le 9 expla9n 9t 'Natu9ally.' '9t 9s 9eally qu9te s9mple.We have been comp9l9ng a l9st wh9ch shall conta9n all the poss9ble names of God' '9 beg you9 pa9don?' / Page16 / 'We have 9eason to bel9eve' cont9nued the lama 9mpe9tu9bably, ' that all such names can be w99tten with not mo9e than n9ne lette9s 9n an alphabet we have dev9sed,' 'And you have been do9ng th9s for three centu99es? 'Yes: we expected9t would take us about f9fteen thousand years to complete the task.' 'Oh, Dr Wagne9 looked a l9ttle dazed. 'Now9 see why you wanted to h99e one of ou9 mach9nes. But what exactly9s the pu9pose of th9s p9oject ? 'The lama hes9tated fo9 a f9act9on of a second, and Wagne9 wonde9ed9f he had offended h9m.9f so the9e was no t9ace of annoyance9n the 9eply. 'Call9t 99tual, 9f you l9ke, but 9t's a fundamental pa9t of ou9 bel9ef. All the many names of the Sup9eme Be9ng - God , Jehova , Allah , and so on - they a9e only man made labels. The9e 9s a ph9losoph9cal p9oblem of some d9ff9culty he9e, wh9ch9 do not p9opose to d9scuss, but somewhe9e among all the poss9ble comb9nat9ons of lette9s that can occu9 a9e what one may call the 9eal names of God. By systemat9c pe9mutat9on of lette9s, we have been t9y9ng to l9st them all' 9 see. You've been sta9t9ng at AAAAAAA… and wo9k-9ng up to ZZZZZZZZ …' 'Exactly - though we use a spec9al alphabet of ou9 own. Mod9fy9ng the elect9omat9c typew99te9s to deal w9th th9s 9s of cou9se t99v9al. A 9athe9 mo9e 9nte9est9ng p9oblem 9s that of dev9s9ng su9table c99cu9ts to el9m9nate 9 9d9culous comb9nat9ons. Fo9 example, no lette9 must occu9 mo9e than th9ee t9mes 9n sucess9on.' 'Th9ee? Su9ely you mean two.' 'Th9ee 9s co99ect; 9 am af9a9d 9t would take too long to expla9n why , even 9f you unde9stood ou9 language.'/ Page 17 / '9'm su9e 9t would,' sa9d Wagne9 hast9ly. 'Go on.' 'Luck9ly, 9t w9ll be a s9mple matte9 to adapt you9 Automat9c Sequence Compute9 fo9 th9s wo9k, s9nce once 9t has been p9og9ammed p9ope9ly 9t w9ll pe9mute each lette9 9n tu9n and p99nt the 9esult. What would have taken us f9fteen thousand years 9t w9ll be able to do 9n a hund9ed days.' 'Dr Wagne9 was sca9cely consc9ous of the fa9nt sounds f9om the Manhatten st9eets fa9 below. He was 9n a d9ffe9ent wo9ld, a wo9ld of natu9al, not man-made mounta9ns. H9gh up 9n the99 9emote ae99es these monks had been pat9ently at wo9k gene9at9on afte9 gene9at9on, comp9l9ng the99 l9sts of mean9ngless wo9ds. Was the9e any l9m9ts to the foll9es of mank9nd ? St9ll, he must g9ve no h9nt of h9s 9nne9 thoughts. The custome9 was always 99ght…" Page 68 Into the Comet
Abacus - Wikipedia The abacus (plural abaci or abacuses), also called a counting frame, is a calculating tool that was in use in Europe, China and Russia, centuries before the adoption of the written Hindu–Arabic numeral system. The exact origin of the abacus is still unknown. The abacus (plural abaci or abacuses), also called a counting frame, is a calculating tool that was in use in Europe, China and Russia, centuries before the adoption of the written Hindu–Arabic numeral system. The exact origin of the abacus is still unknown. Today, abaci are often constructed as a bamboo frame with beads sliding on wires, but originally they were beans or stones moved in grooves in sand or on tablets of wood, stone, or metal.
1 x 8 x 9 = 72 = 8 x 9 x 1
HOLY BIBLE REVELATION Chapter 21 V 1-7 Page 1351 A New Heaven and a New Earth 1And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. 2And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. 3And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. 4And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. 5And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. 6And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. 7He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. FOR SON ALSO READ DAUGHTER FOR DAUGHTER ALSO READ SON.
The Mystery of The Seventh Seal - Sacred Texts Seal of the Angels of the Seven Planets and Spirits. CONJURATION. I, N.N., a servant of God, call upon, desire, and conjure thee, Ahael, Banech, by the most holy words Agios, (Tetr.,) Eschiros, Adonai, Alpha et Omega, Raphael, Michael, Uriel, Schmaradiel, Zaday, and by all the known names of Almighty God, by whatever ...
6th and 7th Books of Moses | Aaron | Names Of God In ... - Scribd The Mystery of The Seventh Seal Sacred Texts Grimoires Index Previous THE MYSTERY OF THE SEVENTH SEAL.sacred-texts. ... Ahael. Germany [1849] See Also The Sixth Book of Moses Title Page The Twelve Tables of the Spirits THE FIRST TABLE OF THE SPIRITS OF THE AIR THE SECOND TABLE OF THE SPIRITS ...
What does the name AHAEL mean? - Namemeaningsdictionary The Horoscope and Astrology meaning of the name AHAEL. AHAEL means: With a Life Path 9, your numbers are (9, 18/9, 27/9, 36/9). Considered to be feminine and introvert, number nine stands for universal love, eternity and faith, creative abilities, loyalty. It relates to wisdom and creativity. Nine has qualities of leadership, ...
HOLY BIBLE THE REVELATION OF SAINT JOHN THE DIVINE 1The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: 2Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw. 3Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. John Greets the Seven Churches
Revelation 5 1And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals. 2And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof? 3And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon. 4And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon.
JOSEPH AND HIS BROTHERS Thomas Mann 1875 - 1955 JOSEPH THE PROVIDER Page 967 ALL TOO BLISSFUL "But I am King, and teacher; I may not think what I cannot teach. Whereas such a one very soon learns not even to think the unteachable."
JESUS AND THE GODDESS THE SECRET TEACHINGS OF THE ORIGINAL CHRISTIANS Page 203 The one moving surface of /page 204/ the water represents universal psyche. Individual psyches are the individual waves. We are unique movements on the shared still depths of Consciousness. THE EVOLVING COSMOS To know itself the Mystery arises as the primal syzygy subject and object - which results in partial Gnosis and partial ignorance. As subjective Consciousness it knows its Self, but as psyche it mistakes its self for its many objective self-images.47 As a continuation of the initial impulse towards self-knowledge, that part of Consciousness which has become identified with each psyche-body is in the process of completing the journey of Gnosis by progressively awakening to its true nature.
Mea culpa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mea_culpa Mea culpa is a Latin phrase that translates into English as "through my fault". It is repeated three times in the prayer of confession at the Catholic Mass: Mea culpa From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (April 2014) Mea culpa is a Latin phrase that translates into English as "through my fault". It is repeated three times in the prayer of confession at the Catholic Mass: mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa — "through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault". The three phrases are in the ablative case, which gives the instrumental meaning "through"
mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault.
HOLY BIBLE “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Measure_for_Measure Measure for Measure is a play by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written in 1603 or 1604. It was (and continues to be) classified as comedy, but its ... Measure for Measure From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
To Kill a Mockingbird - Wikipedia To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. The unforgettable novel of a childhood in a sleepy Southern town and the crisis of conscience that rocked it, To Kill A Mockingbird became both an instant bestseller and a critical success when it was first published in 1960
THE SIRIUS MYSTERY Robert K.G.Temple 1976 Page 82 The Sacred Fifty "We must return to the treatise 'The Virgin of the World'. This treatise is quite explicit in saying that Isis and Osiris were sent to help the Earth by giving primitive mankind the arts of civilization: 'How was it, mother, then, that Earth received God's Efflux?' And Isis said: 'I may not tell the story of (this) birth; for it is not permitted to describe the origin of thy descent, O Horus (son) of mighty power, lest afterwards the way-of-birth of the immortal gods should be known unto men - except so far that God the Monarch, the universal Orderer and Architect, sent for a little while thy mighty sire Osiris, and the mightiest goddess Isis, that they might help the world, for all things needed them. "Page 73 A Fairy Tale 'I INVOKE THEE, LADY ISIS, WITH WHOM THE GOOD DAIMON DOTH UNITE, HE WHO IS LORD IN THE PERFECT BLACK.'
THE SIRIUS MYSTERY Robert K.G.Temple 1976 Page 74 "Mead quotes an Egyptian magic papyrus, this being an uncontested Egyptian document which he compares to a passage in the Trismegistic literature: 'I invoke thee, Lady Isis, with whom the Good Daimon doth unite, He who is Lord in the perfect black. '37 Page 77 "Bearing these books in mind (and I am sure they are there waiting underground like a time bomb for us), it is interesting to read this passage in 'The Virgin of the World' following shortly upon that previously quoted: Page 82 "We must note Stecchini's remarks about Delphi as follows :38
THE HERMETICA THE LOST WISDOM OF THE PHARAOHS Timothy Freke & Peter Gandy To the Memory of Giordano Bruno 1548 - 1600 Mundus Nihil Pulcherrimum The World is a Beautiful Nothing Page 23 "Although we have used the familiar term 'God' in the explanatory notes which accompany each chapter, we have avoided this term in the text itself. Instead we have used 'Atum - one of the ancient Egyptian names for the Supreme One God."
Page 45 The Being of Atum "Atum is Primal Mind." Page 45 The Being of Atum Give me your whole awareness, and concentrate your thoughts, for Knowledge of Atum's Being requires deep insight, which comes only as a gift of grace. It is like a plunging torrent of water whose swiftness outstrips any man who strives to follow it, leaving behind not only the hearer, but even the teacher himself. To conceive of Atum is difficult. To define him is impossible. The imperfect and impermanent cannot easily apprehend the eternally perfected. Atum is whole and conconstant. In himself he is motionless, yet he is self-moving. He is immaculate, incorruptible and ever-lasting. He is the Supreme Absolute Reality. He is filled with ideas which are imperceptible to the senses, and with all-embracing Knowledge. Atum is Primal Mind. Page 46 He is too great to be called by the name 'Atum'. He is hidden, yet obvious everywhere. His Being is known through thought alone, yet we see his form before our eyes. He is bodiless, yet embodied in everything. There is nothing which he is not. He has no name, because all names are his name. He is the unity in all things, so we must know him by all names and call everything 'Atum'. He is the root and source of all. Everything has a source, except this source itself, which springs from nothing. Atum is complete like the number one, which remains itself whether multiplied or divided, and yet generates all numbers. Atum is the Whole which contains everything. He is One, not two. He is All, not many. The All is not many separate things, but the Oneness that subsumes the parts. The All and the One are identical. You think that things are many when you view them as separate, but when you see they all hang on the One, /Page 47/ and flow from the One, you will realise they are unitedlinked together, and connected by a chain of Being from the highest to the lowest, all subject to the will of Atum. The Cosmos is one as the sun is one, the moon is one and the Earth is one. Do you think there are many Gods? That's absurd - God is one. Atum alone is the Creator of all that is immortal, and all that is mutable. If that seems incredible, just consider yourself. You see, speak, hear, touch, taste, walk, think and breathe. It is not a different you who does these various things, but one being who does them all. To understand how Atum makes all things, consider a farmer sowing seeds;
here wheat - there barley, Just as the same man plants all these seeds, so Atum sows immortality in heaven and change on Earth. Throughout the Cosmos he disseminates Life and movementthe two great elements that comprise Atum and his creation, and so everything that is. Page 48 Atum is called 'Father' because he begets all things, and, from his example, the wise hold begetting children the most sacred pursuit of human life. Atum works with Nature, within the laws of Necessity, causing extinction and renewal, constantly creating creation to display his wisdom. Yet, the things that the eye can see are mere phantoms and illusions. Only those things invisible to the eye are real. Above all are the ideas of Beauty and Goodness. Just as the eye cannot see the Being of Atum, so it cannot see these great ideas. They are attributes of Atum alone, and are inseparable from him. They are so perfectly without blemish that Atum himself is in love with them. There is nothing which Atum lacks, so nothing that he desires. There is nothing that Atum can lose, so nothing can cause him grief. Atum is everything. Atum makes everything, and everything is a part of Atum. Atum, therefore, makes himself. This is Atum's glory - he is all-creative, and this creating is his very Being. It is impossible for him ever to stop creatingfor Atum can never cease to be. Page 49 Atum is everywhere. Mind cannot be enclosed, because everything exists within Mind. Nothing is so quick and powerful. Just look at your own experience. Imagine yourself in any foreign land, and quick as your intention you will be there! Think of the ocean - and there you are. You have not moved as things move, but you have travelled, nevertheless. Fly up into the heavens - you won't need wings! Nothing can obstruct you - not the burning heat of the sun, or the swirling planets. Pass on to the limits of creation. Do you want to break out beyond the boundaries of the Cosmos? For your mind, even that is possible. Can you sense what power you possess? If you can do all this, then what about your Creator? Try and understand that Atum is Mind. This is how he contains the Cosmos. All things are thoughts which the Creator thinks."
Daily Mail, Thursday, November 17, 2011 Page 70 QUESTION The W. B Yeats poem Mad As The Mists and snow name checks Homer, Horace, Cicero and and Tully ('and here is Tully's open page') Who was Tully?
David Bradbury, London.
THE ART OF MEMORY FRANCIS A. YATES 1966 THREE LATIN SOURCES FOR THE CLASSICAL ART OF MEMORY Page 21 "The Ad Herennium was a well known and much used text in the Middle Ages when it had an immense prestige because it was thought to be by Cicero. It was therefore believed that the precepts for the artificial memory which it expounded had been drawn up by Tullius himself" Page 32 Page 282 "By THE LADDER OF MINERVA we rise from the first to the last..."
Daily Mail, Thursday, November 17, 2011 Page 70 QUESTION The W. B Yeats poem Mad As The Mists and snow name checks Homer, Horace, Cicero and and Tully ('and here is Tully's open page') Who was Tully?
Male Roman citizens typically had three names, their praenomen (given name), their nomen (clan name) and their' cognomen (nickname or family name), but in English classical Latin authors are generally known by a single name, often Anglicised. These sometimes derive from the nomen (for example, Horace's full name was Quintus Horatius Flaccus) and sometimes from the cognomen (as with Gaius Julius Caesar). In Cicero's case, he's today known by his cognomen, but has sometimes in the past been called Tully from his nomen. Despite coming from humble stock, Cicero's skill as an orator saw him rise to the supreme position of state in the Republic, the consulship, in 63BC and he played a key role in the defeat of the Catiline conspiracy. As a result of the rise to power of Julius Caesar, he took a lesser role in his later years, devoting himself to literature Instead. After Caesar's assassination in 44BC, Cicero returned to politics and took a key role in the senatorial opposition to Mark Antony. He was murdered on Antony's orders when he took power. Cicero's surviving letters form a key source for the history of the fall of the Roman Republic and its replacement by the rule of the emperors. David Bradbury, London.
TULLY and Cicero are one and the same person - the Roman statesman and philosopher whose full latin name was Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC).
THE ART OF MEMORY FRANCIS A. YATES 1966 THREE LATIN SOURCES FOR THE CLASSICAL ART OF MEMORY Page 21 "The Ad Herennium was a well known and much used text in the Middle Ages when it had an immense prestige because it was thought to be by Cicero. It was therefore believed that the precepts for the artificial memory which it expounded had been drawn up by Tullius himself" Page 32
THE ART OF MEMORY FRANCIS A. YATES 1966 THREE LATIN SOURCES FOR THE CLASSICAL ART OF MEMORY Page 111 MEDIEVAL MEMORY AND THE FORMATION OF IMAGES "Petrarch makes his allusions to the art by introducing examples of men of antiquity famed for good memories and associating these with the classical art. His paragraph on the memories of Lucullus and Hortensius begins thus: - 'Memory is of two kinds, one for things, one for words.' 57 LUCULLUS 33333331 LUCULLUS
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Morrígan The Morrígan ("phantom queen") or Mórrígan ("great queen"), also known as Morrígu, is a figure from Irish mythology. The name is spelled Morríghan or Mór-Ríoghain in Modern Irish. The Morrígan is mainly associated with war and fate, especially with foretelling doom and death in battle. In this role she often appears as a ... Etymology
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merlin Merlin (Welsh: Myrddin) is a legendary figure best known as the wizard featured in Arthurian legend and medieval Welsh poetry. The standard depiction of the character first appears in Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae, written c. 1136, and is based on an amalgamation of previous historical and legendary ... Merlin (Welsh: Myrddin) is a legendary figure best known as the wizard featured in Arthurian legend and medieval Welsh poetry. The standard depiction of the character first appears in Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae, written c. 1136, and is based on an amalgamation of previous historical and legendary figures. Geoffrey combined existing stories of Myrddin Wyllt (Merlinus Caledonensis), a North Brythonic prophet and madman with no connection to King Arthur, with tales of the Romano-British war leader Ambrosius Aurelianus to form the composite figure he called Merlin Ambrosius (Welsh: Myrddin Emrys). He is allegedly buried in the Broceliande forest, near Paimpont in Brittany. Name and etymology[edit] Clas Myrddin or Merlin's Enclosure is an early name for Great Britain stated in the Third Series of Welsh Triads.[5] Celticist A. O. H. Jarman suggests that the Welsh name Myrddin (Welsh pronunciation: ['m?rð?n]) was derived from the toponym Caerfyrddin, the Welsh name for the town known in English as Carmarthen.[6] This contrasts with the popular folk etymology that the town was named for the bard. The name Carmarthen is derived from the town's previous Roman name Moridunum,[4][6] in turn derived from Celtic Brittonic moridunon, "sea fortress".[7]
www.english-heritage.org.uk/visit/places/tintagel-castle/ Immerse yourself in history, myths and stunning scenery at Tintagel Castle, set high on Cornwall's rugged north coast between Padstow and Bude. Inextricably linked with the legend of King Arthur, for centuries this dramatic castle and coastline has fired the imaginations of writers, artists and even the brother of a king. Into Cornwall, Mining in Cornwall, Mine sites in Cornwall, Cornish ...
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